I ♥ weekends! This is the time when I get out of the rat race and the corporate life and do what I am truly passionate about .. at this stage I am still finding out what I am truly passionate about hence I have to carry on building at my career..it's just that the weekends offer so many things. The only downside to it is that once Saturday is gone, the carefree artistic side goes down along with it as there's a whole week at the office to prep myself for.
For the past few weeks I've been thinking about what is one's purpose in life? Are people meant to just go find themselves a career, make money, get married make babies and die? Is this what life is about? I've asked a few close friends and have created a 10 year plan. After careful consideration my plan roughly looks like this....
1-3 yrs
- Save enough money in the piggy bank to build a nest egg and use for investment.
- Still be in the rat race
- Get my company up and running
- Buy an investment property
- Relocate to another country
- Start a family
- Company + investments doing well
- Move away from rat race
- Financial freedom by 40 yo
- Help the less fortunate
Hmm. See how I go I guess.
I had coffee with mum Saturday and she is one of the most courageous, funny and content people I know. She just see life in such a positive light and I am fortunate enough to get along with her so well. Not having sisters, I suppose she and I have become close because of this.Sunday had lunch with the in-laws. Very insightful. Both of my sister in-laws have a coffee shop with a lot of potential. One is Jamaica Blue in Perth and the other is closer to home in Pyrmont. If anyone wants a good coffee and lunch Delicurious is open Monday-Saturday at Harris Street, Pyrmont.
Just found a book lying around the living room called "Why do I love these People" by PO Bronson..will start reading just to get away from doing the taxes!
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